What better place to start then the beginning?

   I often get asked what got me started in the paranormal field.  The answer is quite simple, curiosity.  I remember the first time I ever saw my first full body apparition.  I was six years old.  I lived in a small little town in the panhandle of Texas called Fritch Texas.  My cousin had came over to spend the night.  The house was an older home, two-story, square structure.  Down stairs there was a living room, a very small kitchen, my parents room, a small bathroom, and my brother's room.  Upstairs was mine and my older sister's room, a large walk in closet, and another room which held stuff that belonged to the owner of the house. 
   The storage room's door always remained closed since the things in there didn't belong to us.  I remember always getting a strange filling from the room as we passed by it to go into our room.  Of course I was only six at the time and the room was a mystery to us.  I also remember having the same feeling around the other door to the room which was located inside of our large walk in closet.  Perhaps that was another reason why this curious little girl never bothered to open that door. In truth I remember being quite scared of it at the time but I never could figure out why.
   It was night time and my sister, cousin, and myself had just went to bed.  The lights were out but the room was dimly lit by the street light just outside our window.  It had started to rain.  The sound of thunder boomed all around us and the lightening crashed across the sky.  With each lightening strike, the room became brighter with illumination. It hadn't been long before we noticed the figure standing in the door way at the top of the stairs.  We could see the full outline of the body in what appeared to be a blue house coat.  We couldn't see the head but we just assumed it was my mother coming up to check on us.  We called out to her but she didn't answer.  The lightening cracked again, and the figure was gone. 
   The next morning we went down stairs to have breakfast with the rest of the family.  I remember us asking my mom what she had been doing upstairs that night.  She told she had never came up there.  For a six year old child who knew what she saw, and knew that her sister and cousin had seen the same thing, I found myself truly scared of my own home.  From that point on, I remember not wanting to go upstairs, especially alone.  If we went upstairs we would run past the door and we would never linger long. As I become older I would start to look for answers as to what we had witnessed that night.  I
   I was raised in a very religious family.  I was taught that there was only a heaven and hell and when someone died they went to one or the other.  There was no such things as ghost, only demons that walk the earth.  I didn't believe that what we had seen that night was demonic. There wasn't a feel of evil coming from it. We truly thought it had been my mother simply checking in on us on a dark stormy night.
   I went back to that old house still owned by our old family friends but I was unable to get in to the home due to it being filled from floor to room with old family belongings.  I did however get to speak to the owners again who did confirm for me that they thought the home was haunted.  I went searching for answers but I was only left with more questions. From that moment on, my life would be changed forever.
